The hardware and software complex BMW INPA EDIABAS is designed for professional diagnostics, coding and programming of electronic control units for BMW, Rolls Royce and Mini cars. The scanner has access to any vehicle control unit.
The functions of reading real-time parameters and the test of executive mechanisms allow to check the correctness of the operation of any control.
Unlike previous versions of Inpa / Ediabas v5.0, as well as subsequent versions (5.0.2 and others) - completely 32-bit Windows applications, running without problems in Win98, NT and XP environments,
and also in VISTA and Win7 (in compatibility mode with XP).
The list of vehicles supported by the OBD interface: E36 (some), E38, E39, E46, E52, E53, E60, E65, E83, E85, E87, E90, Mini R50, Rolls Royce RR1
List of vehicles supported by the ADS interface: E31, E32, E34, E36
The list of cars supported by the D-Can interface: E60,
E61 from 03/2007; E83 from 09/2006; E81, E87 from 03/2007; E90, E91, E92, E93 from 03/2007; E70; R56
List of supported ECUs: All manufactured by the BMW concern to date (except for the latest F-series models).
Diagnostic capabilities:
- Computer identification
- Read fault codes
- Reading and deleting trouble codes
Reading real-time parameters
- Read the computer memory contents
- Conformity check of VIN codes and car mileage in the memory of various computers
- Computer coding
- Activation of actuators
- Emulation of different computers
- Activation / deactivation of engineering functions
Care must be taken when using the scanner.
The program features special functions and engineering modes, for example, the conservation of various ECUs to reduce power consumption during long-term parking. If this function is accidentally activated, most of the car electronics will go into a "deep sleep" and you will have to spend a lot of time to reactivate it.
A reckless use of the interpreter when creating its own diagnostic algorithms in general can lead to unpredictable consequences.
Minimum PC requirements:
Operating system Windows® 98/2000 / XP / VISTA (in compatibility mode with XP) / Win7 (in compatibility mode with XP);
Processor Intel Pentium-
II® 300MHz or equivalent;
The amount of RAM from 64MB;
Free space on your hard drive 400MB;
COM-port or USB-port (depending on the version of the purchased adapter).
The adapter circuit is C: \ EDIABAS \ Hardware \ OBD (after installation)
Installing BMW INPA EDIABAS for Windows XP
It is advisable to strictly follow the recommendations for installation,
then you will succeed!
1. Install \ _Install_EDIABAS_INPA_NFS \ NFS \ Entpackt \ disk1 \ SETUP.EXE to click everywhere by default, in the interfaces select OBD
2. Unpack the archive in a separate folder _Install_EDIABAS_INPA_NFS \ INPA \ inpa_5_0_1.tgz
and copy the contents of the folder to the C: \ EC-Apps directory.
It should be C: \ EC-Apps \ INPA ...
After that, unpack inpa_5_0_2 into a separate folder and copy it here to INPA over the top 5_0_1
3.1 Start BMW \ INSTALL \ instprog.exe and install all updates. In choosing a configuration, select BMW Group Rectification programs UK and put all the checkboxes.
To work, use the INPA (_.IPO) label from the EDIABAS INPA ELDI NCS NFS program group.
After the installation is complete, it is NECESSARY to restart the computer.
If the program does not find the adapter, run the driver installer OBDSETUP.EXE from the folder C: \ EDIABAS \ HARDWARE \ OBD
Selecting the COM port number is done using the Configure.exe program.
To run the program with the USB interface, you need to copy the configuration file OBD from the Files folder to the Windows folder.
It should contain:
Port = Com1
Hardware = USB
The hardware and software complex BMW INPA EDIABAS is designed for professional diagnostics, coding and programming of electronic control units for BMW, Rolls Royce and Mini cars. The scanner has access to any vehicle control unit.
The functions of reading real-time parameters and the test of executive mechanisms allow to check the correctness of the operation of any control.
Unlike previous versions of Inpa / Ediabas v5.0, as well as subsequent versions (5.0.2 and others) - completely 32-bit Windows applications, running without problems in Win98, NT and XP environments,
and also in VISTA and Win7 (in compatibility mode with XP).
The list of vehicles supported by the OBD interface: E36 (some), E38, E39, E46, E52, E53, E60, E65, E83, E85, E87, E90, Mini R50, Rolls Royce RR1
List of vehicles supported by the ADS interface: E31, E32, E34, E36
The list of cars supported by the D-Can interface: E60,
E61 from 03/2007; E83 from 09/2006; E81, E87 from 03/2007; E90, E91, E92, E93 from 03/2007; E70; R56
List of supported ECUs: All manufactured by the BMW concern to date (except for the latest F-series models).
Diagnostic capabilities:
- Computer identification
- Read fault codes
- Reading and deleting trouble codes
Reading real-time parameters
- Read the computer memory contents
- Conformity check of VIN codes and car mileage in the memory of various computers
- Computer coding
- Activation of actuators
- Emulation of different computers
- Activation / deactivation of engineering functions
Care must be taken when using the scanner.
The program features special functions and engineering modes, for example, the conservation of various ECUs to reduce power consumption during long-term parking. If this function is accidentally activated, most of the car electronics will go into a "deep sleep" and you will have to spend a lot of time to reactivate it.
A reckless use of the interpreter when creating its own diagnostic algorithms in general can lead to unpredictable consequences.
Minimum PC requirements:
Operating system Windows® 98/2000 / XP / VISTA (in compatibility mode with XP) / Win7 (in compatibility mode with XP);
Processor Intel Pentium-
II® 300MHz or equivalent;
The amount of RAM from 64MB;
Free space on your hard drive 400MB;
COM-port or USB-port (depending on the version of the purchased adapter).
The adapter circuit is C: \ EDIABAS \ Hardware \ OBD (after installation)
Installing BMW INPA EDIABAS for Windows XP
It is advisable to strictly follow the recommendations for installation,
then you will succeed!
1. Install \ _Install_EDIABAS_INPA_NFS \ NFS \ Entpackt \ disk1 \ SETUP.EXE to click everywhere by default, in the interfaces select OBD
2. Unpack the archive in a separate folder _Install_EDIABAS_INPA_NFS \ INPA \ inpa_5_0_1.tgz
and copy the contents of the folder to the C: \ EC-Apps directory.
It should be C: \ EC-Apps \ INPA ...
After that, unpack inpa_5_0_2 into a separate folder and copy it here to INPA over the top 5_0_1
3.1 Start BMW \ INSTALL \ instprog.exe and install all updates. In choosing a configuration, select BMW Group Rectification programs UK and put all the checkboxes.
To work, use the INPA (_.IPO) label from the EDIABAS INPA ELDI NCS NFS program group.
After the installation is complete, it is NECESSARY to restart the computer.
If the program does not find the adapter, run the driver installer OBDSETUP.EXE from the folder C: \ EDIABAS \ HARDWARE \ OBD
Selecting the COM port number is done using the Configure.exe program.
To run the program with the USB interface, you need to copy the configuration file OBD from the Files folder to the Windows folder.
It should contain:
Port = Com1
Hardware = USB

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Perkins EST 2022A
Agricultural DAMOS
JPRO 2022
Perkins EST 2022A
Agricultural DAMOS